Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Sometimes our citizens make me proud, and many of our elected officials make me vomit.

I almost had nothing again tonight; an average, quiet day at work that lead into an uneventful evening (aside from the winter finale of Agents of SHIELD - damn it! - which I may touch on another time), but then I ran into this gem.

Now many of you will cry "biased source" and "fake news," and you may be right to do so.  Occupy Democrats is far from the most neutral source (the name, duh!).  But I site it today because of the videos this article includes.  The fact that so many constituents from both parties showed up to rail out against their Republican representatives in Washington to make their voices heard is a wonderful thing!  Also, the proof that so many of these representatives are cowards and avoid and/or ignore their constituents, WHO ARE THE PEOPLE THAT ELECTED THEM, makes me livid!  

So many career politicians have completely forgotten that our founders intended for us to govern ourselves. The patriots fought for independence so we would be free from a tyrannical king, not to just get away from one so we could appoint another.  Many of today's elected officials can't get past their own bank accounts to remember we send them to Washington or to the seats of local government or wherever to speak for US, not for themselves and their parties.  Their own ambitions and egos take over and the rest of us are summarily forgotten.  The fact that the over-ripe prune known as Mitch McConnell has the audacity to say "when you win the election you get to make policy. Winners make policy and the losers go home" (which was sourced by the AP, not just the Occupy article) just proves that he and so many politicians like him have forgotten their roles.  You get to "make policy" based on what WE tell you to make!  "Losers" don't "go home;" you all work together for the common good of the country.  Maybe you all need a little re-education; try this and then DO YOUR JOBS!

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