Sunday, February 5, 2017

I absolutely hate the New England Patriots.

Yes, I used the "H" word.  I think I may loathe this team more than any team in professional sports, and that includes the New York Yankees, and I REALLY can't stand them.

This is not a bitter jealously thing because my Minnesota teams haven't done anything really worthwhile in years - and I'm not taking anything away from the WNBA dynasty of the Lynx with that statement.  They have done some great work recently; I'm just not a huge basketball fan in general.  Nor am I taking away from the talents of the teams.  Regardless of how one feels about them as a whole, the effort and abilities of these people absolutely cannot be denied.  Anyone who has ever played would love to have half the talent of Derek Jeter or Tom Brady or LeBron James.

But no; this is about overexposure and arrogance.  I am so sick to death of hearing about the same players and teams over and over and over again!  This is just as bad as the media constantly covering Trump's campaign without giving proper equal time to every candidate just because he was/is a ratings draw.  I watched the news throughout the campaign season and everyone kept going back to him and his antics.  The same goes for the national sports media in that every story is about the Yankees, the Patriots, LeBron, and Tiger Woods (who, by the way, is lousy now!).  Closed circuit to ESPN, et. al.: NOT EVERYONE GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THOSE HANDFUL OF PLAYERS AND TEAMS!! Sometimes we want to hear about other teams in different markets.  To hell with the fact that they may be "smaller;" they're still valid or they wouldn't even be in their respective leagues. talk to us about what Joe Mauer needs to do to break out from his continued struggles, whether or not the Cleveland Browns will ever be relevant, or if the Columbus Blue Jackets are for real.  I love the cities of New York and Chicago, but I can't stand their sports teams - enough with the attention just because that's where all the money is!!

And arrogant?  Do I have to go any further than than Bill Belicheat - I mean Belichick - and Tom Shady - I mean Brady - (copyright Dan Cole, the Common Man)?  Their cockiness just oozes out of every pore in the bodies, and they don't give a damn.  And hell, why should they?  They know they're great and their fans will keep coming back year after year, and they will just laughing their conceited, wealthy, conservative asses all the way to the bank.  I cannot wait for the year(s) when they both finally decide to hang it up (and again, why would they when they both continue to defy failure) and Bob Kraft is suddenly left holding the pieces of his former glory, at which time I expect he will sell, because isn't that what multi-billionaires do?

And speaking of these particular conservative multi-billionaire jerkoffs, the final reason I can't stand this franchise and was so desperate to see them lose tonight I think can be summed up by this NSFW clip:

And I'll just leave it at that (with a big proverbial middle finger to the Patriots organization) for fear of going off on another real political rant because trying to follow up Bill Maher with anything is an exercise in futility.  Go #MNWild!

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