Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Don't ever tell me or anyone to "get over it."

So here we are again talking about dismissive language.   However, today it came from another liberal.  I will say it again: under no circumstances should anyone be told to shut up and deal . . . unless you're forcing a whiny kid to eat his broccoli, then maybe you have a valid reason.  

Seriously though, whether it is meant in a demeaning way or not, to say that to someone who is speaking his/her mind about a strong belief is insulting and rude.  I get it: Facebook is not really the best platform to air our grievances.  There have been plenty of memes like this one floating around:

But that doesn't make the poster's opinions any less valid.  Believe me, I would love for us all to go back to showing off our kids' report cards and wannabe 5-star meat loafs and face-planting drunk cats, but that is not where we are now.  And there are too many of us who feel extra emboldened sitting behind a computer screen.

                                                           Image result for i'm guilty meme

We are in a time where everyone can express their opinions and beliefs, and anyone can choose to ignore you.  If you are one of those who is so over it all that you are just going to bury your face in the sand, and accept and normalize the shitstorm we are now in, domestically and globally, well, by my own argument, you are entitled to that, too.  

However, remember that you allowed your privilege to blind you from all those whose voices do not get heard.  Remember your choice when your Muslim neighbor is detained from returning to his American family after visiting his home country.  Remember your silence when your lesbian niece has to explain to her child why no one recognizes her marriage to the child's other mommy anymore. Remember you turned away when swastikas are spray-painted on mosques and synagogues. Remember you had enough when your grown son is dying because he lost his health care and he had to choose between rent, food, and medicine.  Or don't, because you will be safe in your own little box living your safe little life where you are not responsible to anyone.  And remember that when no one come to your aid in your time of need, because I promise you, this administration's decisions will eventually adversely affect us all.

That is why we speak up.  That is why we march.  That is why we will not be silenced.


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