Monday, January 1, 2018

I'm back.

Happy New Year!

To those of you who were reading last year, I'm sorry I disappeared for eight months.  I think I got overwhelmed with trying to write something clever and intelligent and meaningful every day.  That, and since most of my posts became political, I was simply exhausted, because that's what our current "leadership" is: exhausting.

So I'm going to try this again for 2018.  I won't be writing daily, and I will try to vary my topics.  I had a pretty good year despite our wretched state of global affairs, and I'll get into some of those things in the near future.  I will also continue to be vocal and adamantly defiant of this administration.  However, for now, I wish all of you a happy, healthy, prosperous new year full of success, joy, and love.  I pray we find peace, or at least common ground, with each other in all things.  I'm looking forward to sharing my insights and experiences with you again.

Here we go . . .