Friday, January 27, 2017

I don't think 2017 got the memo.

You know, the one about not being as deadly as 2016.  I mean, how many have there been just in the past few days?  Miguel Ferrer, Mary Tyler Moore, now John Hurt.  There have been several others already, too.  I'm certainly not trying to dismiss their passing as any less significant to their families and respective fans.  Here is how Variety tallies it, and here is how the Mirror in the UK lists them.  I guess a consolation up to now is that most of the folks who have left us so far this year were older and ill, so they weren't as much of a surprise as many last year.  That said, I can think of several shining gems we need to hermetically seal away from the ravages of the reaper.

I feel like I'm blathering a little today - political discussion has consumed so much of my mind lately, I'm forgetting how to talk about anything else - and I don't want my return to bringing up celebrity deaths in anyway to come off as me pedestalizing anyone or deeming their deaths as more important or significant than anyone else's.  On the contrary, if anything, it's just another reminder of how fleeting this life is; and it may sound cliche, but it's so true that we all need to live our lives fully. Create that thing that's going to outlive you, even if that is just raising your children right.  Make art. Stand up for what you believe in.  Never forget to tell your family you love them, all of them, frequently and often, even if you can't see them (we're all connected on social media now, and cell phones have made long distance calling obsolete, so no excuses).  Just be present - LIVE!!

That's all I got tonight - peace and love!

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