Sunday, March 5, 2017

Today, I am amused.

Despite my fears that liberals may be fatiguing a bit, I should learn to relax.  Not relax from fighting, but relax my anxieties because 45 will always find a way to shoot himself in the foot.  Once again the buffoon has decided to have a 4am tweetfest, this time creating the notion that President Obama bugged his precious midtown Manhattan palace during the elections.

So first of all, the accusation is completely baseless.  Popular explanation says he got the idea from freaking Breitbart, the epitome of all fair and honest reporting.  Secondly, as many sources have publicly stated, the President cannot sanction wiretapping on his own (side note: that is a universal "he" if for no other reason we have not had a woman as president . . . YET).

Now, I have been accused repeatedly in my life of having no filter.  When I first became a supervisor to a team of employees, I had a steep learning curve of being careful about what I said.  I still slip sometimes and spew out things that I shouldn't, in and out of work, but I believe I have gotten a lot better in the last few years.  Did no one ever teach this man to think before he speaks?  Does he EVER proof what he types or go back to listen to himself to learn from his mistakes??  Obviously these are rhetorical questions as we clearly know the answer is an unequivocal "no" because he doesn't believe he makes mistakes.  He believes he is perfectly justified in saying the things he does. Hate to tell ya DT, but after a while, your audience gets fed up with listening to BS and completely tunes you out.  It starts doing its own thing and you eventually get removed from your position.

You almost had a good thing going, Donnie!  Your speech to Congress (which, by the way, you owe some writers a hefty bonus) was so well-delivered that you even convinced your harshest critics you might actually have the ability to be presidential after all.  You could have ridden that wave to the more global popularity you crave so dearly.  But, no, you couldn't help yourself.  You had to go right back to your ridiculous plan of distracting everyone from your ineptitude by completely discrediting President Obama.  You're only making yourself look like a bigger fool than we already know you are when you do this.  We're not falling for it; no amount of attempting to shred his legacy is going to make us forget who you are and the extremely weak base on which you are trying to build yours.

So by all means, keep tweeting in the wee hours of the morning - you're probably in the middle of one right now.  Keep trying to throw mud on your predecessor; he'll come out clean in the end.  I will just turn to you with a laugh and ask if you need some salt with your kneecap as you continue to shove your foot deeper n your mouth.  Bon appetit!

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