Monday, March 13, 2017

I really can't anymore...

Can anyone explain to me how we keep falling for the lies and deceit this so-called administration continues putting out?  Every time something seriously dangerous comes out of his blathering yob or he clicks out on his handheld computer that doubles as a communication device (copyright Dan Cole, The Common Man), we latch onto it as the latest mini-scandal when we are smart enough to know full well it is just a distraction so we don't focus on something else stupid or insane he has said or done.  And then, like the weasel he his, he hides behind his equally-inept staff while they have to deflect and spin even further for him!  Nothing this fool says is true unless someone else writes it for him and he can actually be convinced to stay on script (see his joint speech to Congress).

This ridiculous wiretapping accusation is the latest in a string of unsubstantiated lies that he has thrown out in an attempt to completely discredit President Obama and make himself look good.  The deadline for him to produce his evidence to the investigative committee came and went today with nothing presented (psssst! THERE WAS NOTHING TO PRESENT BECAUSE THERE IS NO EVIDENCE!!)  Then three things happened: a. they asked for more time to gather their supposed proof (how long do you need if you confidently made the claim in the first place?); 2. Spicey had to go out and and make himself look like an idiot again by trying to convince the press corp, and America, that 45 didn't actual say what he said . . . when he actually said it (do you think Sean really believes his spin or is he just paid really well?); and 3. Conjob gave us yet another great larf by telling us all we are cooking in undercover Transformers (I don't have a snarky parenthetical here, but some of the instant memes are funny!).

KAC, or "Kack" as I think I will start calling her because that's what I want to do when I listen to her, followed up her latest gaff by going on CNN (aren't they the sworn enemy of the current White House?? *GASP!*) to argue, spin, and deflect with Chris Cuomo, who was having none of it.

It's a long one; get some popcorn, but don't choke:

So while I wholeheartedly applaud the Cuomos of the media for holding her and all of their feet to the fire about their lies and deflections, my point is we have to stop letting them distract us in the first place.  Stay focused on the big white Putin in the room.  Don't go off on non-existent tapps (sic) or non-existent millions of illegal voters or non-existent attendees at the inauguration (see the pattern forming?).  His/Their lies need to be addressed and challenged, but stay accountable to the truth and the topic at hand.



As promised, here is your first chance to vote for your pick for the top Broadway Leading Lady!  As I don't think this blog format has the ability to create polls, I will just need you to reply in the comments, then I will tally up the results and post each day with the next round of voting.  Each pairing will include links to Wikipedia pages with information about each performer if you need help deciding on your selections.  

Please play along! 😁