Since the immensely talented and FAR-from-overrated greatest female actor of our time, Meryl Streep, has become the latest in the succession of celebrities who have spoken their minds about politics, it has become necessary to again point out that CELEBRITIES ARE STILL PEOPLE!! They are also citizens! It drives me crazy when I hear someone respond to Ms. Streep giving a speech or Joss Whedon assembling the MCU cast for a commercial (side note: I guess not enough people wanted to see Mark Ruffalo naked) by saying, "They don't know what it's like. They're rich; they can't relate. Celebrities should just shut up." If you think this, remind me to smack you like the Batman meme.
First of all, you have just elected a billionaire reality star, a CELEBRITY (with no prior experience, by the way), into the highest seat of power in our country. Sounds exactly like someone from whom you just said you don't want to hear talking about politics. Hmmmm....
Secondly, celebrities are equally entitled to have opinions about what is going on in their respective countries and the world as you or I. Their fame and money (if they actually have it) are completely irrelevant. They have concerns and fears and hopes and wishes and dreams for their homes and families just like we all do.
It's bad enough you try to squash and silence those around you (or at least those willing to use up valuable life by reading your social media trolling). I put it to you, though, that perhaps celebrities have an even greater platform from which to present opinions, and I would almost go as far to say they have an obligation to use said platform. Maybe it's a bit of a cheap stunt, but deny this: a lot of public opinion is swayed by things celebrities say. "So-And-So A-List Movie Star said the sky is purple and beta fish manure is a delicacy, and I love what (s)he did in that one film, so it must be true." Obviously an exaggeration, but I can only presume you get my point. Celebrities who back a political candidate and even go as far as to stump for them or make a statement has got to do worlds for campaigns. Why else would politicians work to get celebrities at their rallies and conventions, and record commercials? So while I can't intelligently comment on whether or not the politician truly, ultimately cares about the actual celebrity or just the endorsement, the point is gaining celebrity does not mean they suddenly stop caring about the world around them. They deserve to be heard as much as any of us.
Except Ted Nugent. Can we all just agree that whackjob should shut the hell up?
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