Sunday, January 1, 2017

I have this blog.

So I have had this idea to start a blog for a couple of years now.  I'm not exactly sure why.  It's not like I don't have other things on my plate to keep me busy.  And why should you care? Ultimately, this is probably some ridiculous need for attention and strokes to my ego.  But I like to think I have some things to say.  Some will be thoughtful.  Some will be lazy.  Some will be insightful.  Some will be just plain ridiculous.  I plan to cover a variety of subjects that are important to me: family, job, entertainment, politics, faith.  I can promise there will be attempts at humor and intelligence; and there will be plenty of snark.

Maybe I just need an outlet to practice writing.  Maybe I'm looking to create that thing that's gonna outlive me (to paraphrase a Hamilton lyric); I have this daydream that once this gets rolling and I get better at it that it will eventually catch the attention of Fresh Air on NPR (I'll be waiting for that call, Terry Gross!).  Whatever it is and whatever it becomes, I hope you will find it as entertaining as I hope to find pleasure in writing.  Looking at this first entry, it already doesn't feel like much; it's certainly not as full of whiz and zing as I had hoped to start with.  But then even the best shows had a couple of clunker first seasons as they were trying to find themselves (I'm looking at you, Star Trek, The Next Generation seasons 1 and 2!)

So come all ye denizens of the interwebs and read the prattling of a stranger who thinks higher of himself than is most likely deserved!

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