Saturday, January 28, 2017

An open letter to the Right.

I am a liberal.  Please don't let that run you off, but I'll wait for those of you who wish to leave . . .  

Now that's out of the way, I am a liberal, not a Democrat.  Yes, my beliefs fall right in line with those of the Democratic party; and yes, I registered as a Democrat last year, but that was only because it was required for me to caucus for Senator Sanders.  But I have always said if a conservative actually spoke to my beliefs, I like to think I am discerning, rational, and thoughtful enough that I would vote for that individual for the good of whichever jurisdiction is in question.  To date, that person has not run for office.  So yes, I have always voted down-ballot with the D's.  If you want me to vote for the R's, you need to return the Republicanism of Lincoln, not that of Nixon, and certainly not that of the current face of your party (and if you haven't figured it out yet, that's all he is, a face; your party doesn't want him anymore than the rest of us do).

But this is not a letter to denounce the man to whom you have temporarily and egregiously handed the reign of our national experiment.  This is to ask you not to troll us, to use the current vernacular. We are going to post things on social media.  We are going to organize protests.  We are going to attempt discussion, and yell and scream if it becomes necessary.  You undoubtedly will not agree, any more than we do with you.  Disagreement does not make either of us inherently wrong or unpatriotic or evil . . . well, except Trump; Trump is evil, but I digress . . .  

No one deserves to be summarily dismissed just because you disagree with them.  I have experienced far too much dismissive attitude from those who disagree with me lately rather than anyone who wants to engage in civil discussion.  What I mean is the responses I receive from you have basically just been "No, you're wrong because you're a lefty" rather than "I disagree and here is why."  To be dismissed is incredibly rude and insulting, and your non-substantiated arguments make it feel like we're in the middle of a Monty Python sketch; frankly, being forced to talk with you like this makes me want to wander into the Getting Hit on the Head lessons room, too.

We very well may be incorrect about things.  Shocker though it might be, you may be incorrect, too. So before you blow us off with "(S)he's just a Dem" or making an insulting joke or simply say "You're wrong," why don't you try telling us why we're wrong and then let us explain our positions to you?  We may find that, ultimately, we all want what's best for our country, cities, and families; we just have differing ideas of how to go about it.  And guess what: so long as those ideas do not threaten basic civil, human liberties and rights, it's okay.  We can get to where we want to be if we acknowledge each other and talk.

On behalf of everyone on the Left, thank you.

PS.  As I'm sure there are some on the Left who have also read this, it goes for us, too.  We have to be tolerant as well.  I am by no means advocating bending over and letting the current tyranny consume us, but once we get through it, and we will, we have to be willing to talk also.  It's the only way we will finally come back together for the greater good of us all, and we will definitely need that once the damage has been done.  Be strong and vigilant; peace and love to you all.

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