So one of many things for which the President of the United States is responsible is the annual naming of recipients of the Kennedy Center Honors, which recognizes great lifetime achievements from every artistic discipline. Since the buffoon got elected right before the Kennedy Center presentation took place in early December, it got me to thinking about to whom he will grant this distinguished honor, if he does it at all (since he wants to eliminate the NEA, he clearly thinks the performing arts are a waste and therefore not worth his time), and furthermore, would anyone of conscience accept it from him?

So first of all, clearly, it would have to be a Republican. As no Democrats supported him, and he doesn't acknowledge anyone who doesn't support him, it's safe to limit selections to those in the GOP. That eliminates most of the entertainment community, which will make his job much easier; he'll like that. With that in mind, here's the short list I came up with of possibilities:
- At first I though Arnold could get a nod as a fellow Republican, but then they started spatting over the stupid Celebrity Apprentice show, so there is clearly no love lost and the Governator is our of contention.
- He could give it to Clint Eastwood after his sterling 2012 RNC showing proving he's worthy, but then he already received it in 2000.
- Scott Baio, the highest-profile celebrity he could get to speak for him at the RNC; what a privilege for Chachi! His work ranks right up there with Cary Grant, Gene Kelly, Morgan Freeman, Hume Cronyn, Jessica Tandy, Elizabeth Taylor, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
- Kid Rock and/or Ted Nugent - certainly two of the more right-wing musicians in the world. Weren't they playing at some celebratory party he had? Again, right up there with Lena Horne, Smokey Robinson, Paul Simon, The Who, Dolly Parton, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
- Maybe he could give it posthumously to Charlton Heston as the great card-carrying NRA face that he was.
- Jon Voight may be the only actually legitimate candidate I could see getting it as he is a decent actor, but again, Jon Voight is to James Stewart as flank steak is to filet mignon; both will satisfy, but one is far superior to the other.
But who are we kidding? Mr. Ego Nepotist will declare himself the greatest thing the performing arts has ever seen and just give it to himself, alone, year after year. And I mean, c'mon, can you blame him? Look at all his fabulous credits! "Nobody plays Donald Trump better than me. My performance in Home Alone 2 was YUUUUGE! The best thing that's ever been on film. The Academy wanted to give me an Oscar, but I turned them down. That worthless piece of metal has no place on my mantle. Sad." #alternativefacts
So there you have it, folks. I'm sorry to say that if you enjoy the Kennedy Center Honors broadcast right after Christmas, you're in for one more bit of holiday depression after you finally get your crazy conservative uncle out the house, as if Trump won't be patting himself on the back enough for everything else he has torn apart. The only good thing will be having Stephen Colbert continuing to host the event. He'll be the last one getting away with shaming him directly to his ugly orange mug because the ass just doesn't get it - any of it.
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