Sunday, January 15, 2017

I am torn.

So in two weeks of writing, my political rants appear to have been my most popular posts, judging solely by the view tallies.  Interesting as I still really only have a cursory understanding of it all.  I just really need my opinions heard!  *cough*Hypocrite!*cough* - hey, Donnie, got an extra seat at the Narcissism table??  You know, cuz it's all about me!  No, it's a table for one?  Okay, I'll get my own, thanks!  Asshole...

What I'm leading to is I, and many of us of late, have given WAY too much attention to this fuckface posing as a man.  I am by no means saying we should stop calling HIM out on his lying, bigoted, egotistical, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, racist demagoguery.  We need to fight with every ounce of our being, and there are many of you who will, far more than I will have the balls to do myself.  But because everything is actually about HIM - in his own deluded head - we are giving HIM exactly what he wants: attention.  He cries bitterly at the slightest bit of reporting (CNN over Pissgate), editorializing (Meryl Streep), or satire (Saturday Night Live); but I'm beginning to believe that he secretly loves it (much in the same way I believe he never really wanted the job of president, just the chance to gloat he won something else).  It's the old "There is no such thing as bad publicity" bit.  Anytime someone talks about or to HIM, or puts a camera and microphone in front of HIM, he gets the same warm fuzzies inside as when he thinks about Vladie's bare-chested horseback rides.

And so while we cringe at the next looming doomed-to-fail Trump brand (don't kid yourselves, that's all this is: leasing his name to the country so he can make another buck on another dead enterprise - Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump University, Trump America), we must find more constructive ways of fighting while not giving HIM all the attention he craves.  An old friend posted this on Facebook and I had to steal it because it really encapsulates my feelings:
"I've come to the conclusion that Mr. Trump has invaded my life, and most likely many of yours. The negativity, the constant news, the conversations on Facebook..all of it. Instead of letting him permeate my life and continue to steal my attention (which is what he wants, most likely), I'd like to get back to focusing on the real relationships in life..the ones that make everything matter. While still keeping a careful eye on the news, I pledge to separate my spirit from this daily drama that has become normalized. Maybe we can all make a difference by focusing on each other instead of on this "toxic relationship". Would you like to join me on this quest?"
It will certainly be an additional struggle for me, keeping my eyes and ears attentive to what is happening and do whatever I am compelled to do while not letting HIM consume so much of my life, and by extension, yours if you have chosen to follow me on any platform.  I love my family.  I love you for listening to me.  I love our country and our way of life.  I am not against change, but only if it is change for the better; what we are facing is not change for the better.  I will not be silent, but I think I must also work hard to join my friend's quest of putting some of the drama aside and focus on each other.  If we can all find a balance, I think we disempower HIM a bit and we make ourselves individually and collectively healthier and happier.

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