Rather than take the time tonight to go off on the latest talk of The Wall - if only I meant a conversation about Pink Floyd - I would like to share a section of a post from Mr. Oake tonight that I hope he doesn't mind I have stolen. I'll have to rearrange this post if he comes back at me that he does . . . His writing today was prompted by a summary from our fearless resistance leader Robert Reich a couple of days ago:
Robert ReichI had started thinking something like this was going on. It doesn't surprise me that Mr. Reich had this conversation. If anything, I'm surprised a Republican discussed it with him, he who is known as a staunch and vocal Democratic opponent of the current administration.
I had breakfast recently with a friend who's a former Republican member of Congress. Here's what he said:Him: Trump is no Republican. He’s just a big fat ego.Me: Then why didn’t you speak out against him during the campaign?Him: You kidding? I was surrounded by Trump voters. I’d have been shot.Me: So what now? What are your former Republican colleagues going to do?Him (smirking): They’ll play along for a while.Me: A while?Him: They’ll get as much as they want – tax cuts galore, deregulation, military buildup, slash all those poverty programs, and then get to work on Social Security and Medicare – and blame him. And he’s such a fool he’ll want to take credit for everything.Me: And then what?Him (laughing): They like Pence.Me: What do you mean?Him: Pence is their guy. They all think Trump is out of his mind.Me: So what?Him: So the moment Trump does something really dumb – steps over the line – violates the law in a big stupid clumsy way … and you know he will ...Me: They impeach him?Him: You bet. They pull the trigger.
So today, Mr. Oake read this (I don't think from my sharing it), and then responded in kind with the following:
I don't think I could have said it better myself, even if it weren't late and I was thinking straight. So thank you, Brian Oake, for your succinct and eloquent words. In the future I will endeavor to get back to using my own rather than creating an entire post around someone else's. Good night and stay strong, everyone; it's only the beginning . . .Somehow, Trump actually got elected. It's perfect. He's a thin-skinned, megalomaniacal C-List celebrity who craves nothing more than adoration and approval. He's fragile, sloppy and easily manipulated, the perfect patsy. And, like it or not, the Washington Elite know what they're are (sic) doing. They're smart. They have decades of experience and innumerable alliances on their side. They recognize that Trump has half of America in his back pocket and that the other half hates his very being. They want outrage, they want protests. They want us vocal, visible and mad as hell at The Figurehead. The louder we are, the angrier our new President becomes. His fragile ego can't take it. He'll get more defensive, he'll lash out. He'll sign every single thing that's placed in front of him out of sheer anger and defiance. That's why this is all moving so fast. But wait, there's more...Once the most hated Liberal Policies and Agencies have been deleted, destroyed or rolled back, the gears will begin to turn...think: why haven't the more sane Conservative Elements in Washington been crying foul over Trump not divesting his business interests? Because it's a perfect tool to have him impeached once he has worn out his usefulness. And if not that, he is such an undisciplined buffoon that he'll make a grievous error of some sort, sooner than later.And here's the kicker: Once Trump is impeached, The Left is going to celebrate in delirious vindication that they deposed The Tyrant. They will claim victory, but they will have already lost. And President Pence is MUCH better at 'playing ball'. The Established and Entrenched Right couldn't have dreamed up a scenario this delicious.
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