Saturday, February 18, 2017

I'm really excited about my children's theatrical prospects.

I know I've talked about this before, but I had it reiterated and strengthened a couple of nights ago.  I took my kids to a movie theatre to see a filmed production of the musical version of Newsies; not a screening of the original 1992 movie that didn't well, but the revitalized stage play from a couple of years ago.  This video will give you a little taste of what you'll see if you attend the final showing next Wednesday, February 22, and I REALLY recommend you do, because the production was fantastic!

Now, when I brought up seeing this to my kids, especially my son, I wasn't quite sure what reaction I would get.  In trying to explain the story to them, what a strike is, how some business owners are greedy corporate bastards who feed off their lowly employees, I didn't know if they'd understand it. But they were both anxious to go, and so we did.

My daughter bounced along to every song, trying to sing along even though she really hadn't heard them before (except maybe in passing on the radio).  My son was riveted to the screen; I kept asking him if he was understanding what was happening and he insisted he did.  Both at intermission (yes, they put one in just like a real show) and when it was over, they both said they loved it!  They want me to upload the cast recording to their music apps on their tablets.  All in all, a successful evening of "theatre!"

It wasn't much of surprise that my daughter enjoyed it (at least the music and dance; she's only five, so the story probably went over her head a bit) as she has been the one to really show performance interest.  But the fact that this helped change my son's attitude about musical theatre warms me to no end.  Not that he was thoroughly disinterested prior to this; he has enjoyed listening to some things on the radio and has even asked to listen to certain cast albums in the past, but he wasn't a first-in-line kind of person before.  I really think this helped add to his interest.  I still don't think he'll want to be a performer, but as we drove home I told him about all of the different jobs in the theatre that are needed to make a show work.  

So while I don't expect either of my children to want to pursue a career in the theatre (although I am 100% behind them if they do), I like knowing I am giving them a great base, at least, for appreciation. If they can go through life enjoying it as much as I do, then I've done my job on that front.  I encourage you all to do the same, for your children and for yourselves.  Be well-rounded.  Appreciate the beauty in everything.  And get out and see a show!

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