Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I didn't watch HIM.

I thought maybe I'd try.  Then life got in the way and I just forgot about it.  In hindsight, I don't think I could have handled listening to him for that long anyway.  I don't know how I managed to watch any GOP primary coverage or the debates.  Just the sound of his voice sickens me let alone stopping to think about what he is actually spewing from his ignorant yob.

Glossing over headlines and a few quotes shows me that many pundits, including Van Jones, one of his most staunch detractors, actually praised him for being more presidential tonight.  Of course, all of his supporters are gushing over this speech.

I didn't watch, but I did read the transcript; that was hard enough because I can hear his nasty, condescending voice in my head.  Here's what I got out of it: for one night, he learned how to listen to his advisers and actually remain on task, stay calm and steady, stick to script, not embellish (lie) as much, and try to show some empathy.  The thing is he is a 70-year old man-child who is not going to change who he is at this stage in his life; seniors stubbornly hold firm to what they think they know, and it's hard to reign children in for long.  He is who he is as he has proven time and again over the past year and a half.  He is a showman, and he put one on tonight.

Most of what I read was unimpressive.  He continued his trend of throwing around big figures that rhyme with -illions, whether talking about how his "plans" are going to benefit the country or how previous actions have hurt it.  He jumped from subject to subject without much substantiation; all I got out of it was talking points meant to fire up his supporters.  And he shamefully used (and I mean that in the worst possible sense of the term) and manipulated the family members of tragedy and death to further his own agenda.

Just because he put on a slightly more soothing tone of voice, don't be fooled by the wolf in the henhouse.  Even with that tone, in the speech itself he flat out doubled down again on the boarder wall, repealing the Affordable Care Act without a real plan to replace it, and his essential "IMMIGRANTS BAD" stance,  Of course Congressional Democrats were not going to applaud or give a standing ovation to anything he said!  As a side note, I think that is one of the most ridiculous, over-used traditions (for lack of a better word) that our government employs; I cannot abide the constant up-down, up-down standing ovation given to presidents during speeches of this nature.  Save it for the big moments.

So, no 45, you are still not my president.  You did not prove anything new to me tonight.  You cannot snake oil your way through one speech while still signing orders to blindly deny anyone healthcare, eliminate the advancement of the arts, ignore science, and hinder human rights to all people.  Your so-called administration is the epitome of fascism, and there is absolutely no room for it in our nation.


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