Fair warning: this may stun those of you who are quick to boycott every single product from companies who make any sort of statement with which you disagree, or those of you who think I am one of those people.
Last night, I made a comment about replacing my exercise clothes because I read a piece that said the CEO of Under Armour likes having Drumpf as our President because he knows business. I couldn't disagree with him more. A country is not a business. He has been (still inexplicably) entrusted with the United States of America. It cannot become part of Trump Enterprises, or whatever he calls his business empire. The Under Armour CEO is dead wrong that Trump is an asset to anything except his own self-interest.
That said, the piece merely states this as one man's opinion. It does not say he has given any money to Trump or any extreme-right causes, nor does it state his company imposes any particular beliefs on its employees; in fact, an edit to the article adds a statement from the company explaining its goals and claiming its diversity. Furthermore, this was just one article about one interview he gave.
With that said, I will not be rushing out to buy all new workout gear based on this one interview. I'm not burning or trashing what I own . . . that is until it all becomes so wretched with stank that I just can't take it anymore, and some of them are on their way. I'm not likely to purchase anything from them again, but they already have my money. I don't know that a call for an all-out boycott just because the man expresses an opinion is productive.
I have been talking about having fair, open discussion with those who have differing opinions. It's a little hypocritical to hastily add this company to the proverbial boycott list just because its CEO believes Trump's business acumen is an asset to the country. Let him think that; so what? Now, if Under Armour suddenly starts to espouse homophobia (Chick-fil-A), racism (Cracker Barrel), or pro-life (Hobby Lobby) BS on its customers and staff, then absolutely all bets are off. Right now, this feels pretty benign. When they crawl into bed with the devil, then #grabyourwallet.
As Robert Reich always says, what do you think?
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