Friday, March 3, 2017

I'm afraid.

I never intended for this to be a purely political op-ed.  It's funny how I, who tripped my way through Civics in high school, am now writing something that's political inclusions are the most read (if the "views" each post is getting are to be believed).  If that is the case, you'd think there would be a plethora about which to write as this fascist regime - I mean administration - bumbles and infuriates its way through modern history, but it's getting less interesting to talk and write about it every day.

I am finding myself falling into his trap, as I fear many of us are.  He is wearing us down.  There doesn't seem to be as much vocal outrage as there was leading up to his inauguration and in the immediate weeks following it.  Yes, we are still livid about all of the insane dictator-like things he is trying to do, but I fear some of us are getting tired, and that Trump-fatigue is exactly what they want. They want us to give up, accept it (how much have we heard that trope?), and let it normalize.

I am very appreciative of our representatives, both in Washington and at state and local levels, who continue to be vocal and fight for what we all believe in, even when we as citizens are worn down. That is part of the job we elected them to do, right: to listen to us and take what we have to say right into the seat of the government?  That is not say we sit back and make them do all the heavy lifting, and that's the trap I fear we're hitting the deeper this insanity goes.

I need to see another rally like the Women's March that happened January 21.  There was passive talk of something happening on April 15, but I haven't heard about that for a while.  Where did the strong organizers go??  I'm not one of them, but I can be a part of something if it's started.  I just feel like we need another big event to draw us back out of the malaise into which we're slipping.  If we get in deeper, then we'll be no better off in two years because we won't have shown up for the midterm elections (again); and then, heaven forbid, Teleprompter Trump will continue to employ excellent speech writers like the one(s) who gave him his first ludicrously-heralded speech to Congress and fool everyone into electing him again in 2020!  We cannot let this happen!!  #resist

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