In all it's forms, in all it's meaning, in all it's so-called greater good, FUCK WAR and fuck all of you who support it.
Forty-Five has just entered his W phase: as soon as those planes hit the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, I said "Here is Bush's chance to go to war; this will be his legacy moment to prove he was the same kind of president as his father." Sure enough, we trooped off to war where we didn't belong, and we're still there today. Now, our hate-baiter inept leader has expensively opened the gates for us to enter another one. Aside from the millions of dollars wasted on sending so many of these missiles at one target when we can't fund Meals on Wheels, Planned Parenthood, and the NEA, this feels like another far-too-convenient strategy to once again distract from the Russia investigation, and all I can see is this lovely piece of hypocrisy:

There is an interesting CNN video clip making its way around the interwebs, of course from 45's supporters. In it, a survivor of a previous chemical attack praises 45 and his strike, calls American liberals hypocrites for not speaking out against anything before or after the travel bans, and begging for more help so they can stay in their country rather than become refugees in the first place. I get it: your home is your home. You shouldn't be made to feel like you have to leave it. But should a situation get so bad that you cannot live with it or you can no longer fight against it, there is no shame in removing yourself. Being a refugee does not equate become an ex-patriot or instantly becoming a citizen of the land to which you are escaping. When the cloud lifts, you can go home again. Our decrying of the travel bans is our version, however small in the grand scheme of it all, of giving you another option. The attacks against your people, be they from your own government or Russia or whomever, are an attack against your humanity. Our trying to keep our borders open to you is a part of ours. And as a side note, any of you right-wingers who are flaunting this video around as support for how great the Decrepit Cheeto is, don't you dare ever say again that CNN is a biased, lefty, lying, fake news station; they just heard and shared your voice.
A friend posted this early today in response to our actions (and yes, "our" because what our president does reflects on us all); I couldn't have said it better:
Until he proves otherwise, don't be fooled that he gives a damn about Syria. Right now, this was a half-cocked, unconstitutional action made without Congressional support by someone more concerned with protecting his own image and (already tarnished) legacy than any of the lives he claims to be protecting. Step up to the truth, Donnie, whatever it is.Why is that some people only applaud war or military action? Why are humanitarian efforts demonized and seen as weak? I think hiding behind the thin veil of bigotry towards Muslims is a much more weak stance than stepping up and doing what is right to help a fellow human being.The US was doing something right in accepting refugees fleeing from the war between Assad & ISIS. It was Trump's choice to exploit his follower's bigotry towards Muslims and BAN them within the past couple of months.Think about what you support. If the US hadn't done this ridiculous travel ban, then maybe I would be fooled by this 'coordinated' military action. We showed who we are, and what we think of the Syrian people. The rest of world is not so easily fooled. Why are so many Americans fooled just because of one military strike?To quote someone else:"Tonight America bombed Syria because it says its leader was brutally gassing and slaughtering his own innocent people; the very same people we won't let into our country because America thinks they are too dangerous. #uspolicy"If your supported or applauded the Muslim ban, then why do you care about these chemical attacks? People have said to me, "but there were children who were gassed!" Yes. And the Muslim ban denied women and children from seeking refuge in the US because they "might" be dangerous. If they might be so 'dangerous', then why do you care if they were gassed to death? If you supported the ban, then fully own why you were supporting it. If you were not outraged at the the Muslim ban, or the denial of refuge of Syrian refugees, you do not get to now be shocked at what is happening in Syria. The rest of us could see the potential of this happening. But we were the "ridiculous" ones protesting the Muslim ban.